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  • #1184
    jasper c

    We have only done a few activities on CViConnect, but I thought in the discussions around developing the app, there was mention that it could be used at school (even so far as schools possibly using quota funds to cover the cost). But my question – what are the applications of using CViConnect at school? I can already hear the school team saying, We don’t have time for that. So it is more for use at home, to do the exercises, or is there some practical application for it in the school setting?

    Steve Hendrix

    Hi Jasper,

    Thank you so much for reaching out via the Support Forum.

    All of our activities started with classroom teachers asking for interventions for their curriculum. We have lessons on shapes, stories for leisure, stories emphasizing a key word, nursery rhymes, signs in the community for Orientation and Mobility, basic counting, and zoo animals. If you have an activity idea we would love to hear it.

    When working with my students I ask the classroom teacher what the main objective is and reduce all the clutter. Then I highlight the salient feature and teach why a duck is a duck for example. “Cortical Visual Impairment An Approach to Assessment and Intervention” by Christine Roman-Lantzy is a great place to start incorporating interventions during the school day.

    All that to say, we are still in the process of getting our teacher version ready for a launch, but we are not quite there yet. The intention is not to create vision time or extra work at school. Instead, we hope to get input from families for activities that we can create to fit the needs our children with CVI and align with their daily curriculum.

    I hope that makes sense.


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