We strive to provide education about CVI and consistent updates about what we’re working on as a company.
We strive to provide education about CVI and consistent updates about what we’re working on as a company.
What was once thought as non-purposeful gazing at light has now shown to be an important element in CVIers’ daily routines. Light can still be a distractor for our learners, but it also has a purpose. Learners with CVI have shown an ability to utilize light to access their functional vision. In either case, light […]
While at the Pediatric Cortical Visual Impairment Society’s conference in Omaha, Nebraska covering the current research in the field, I was speaking with a parent who has a child diagnosed with CVI. She spoke about how her child got a fishing pole this summer and caught his first fish. He also had the opportunity to […]
According to Dr. Christine Roman-Lantzy, there are ten unique visual and behavioral characteristics of CVI. One of these is the characteristic of novelty, or how new a visual target is to the learner. Learners with CVI show preference to targets they are familiar with or those that share visually familiar characteristics. Depending on what Phase […]